CfP Deadline:
November 30, 2023
Conference Event:
January 17-18, 2024
Event Location:
Nottingham Business School
Keynote Speaker(s):
Professor Dimitri Vayanos (London School of Economics and Political Science)
Professor Cheng-Few Lee (Rutgers University)
Honorary Professor Chris Adcock (Sheffield University Management School, University of Sheffield)
The objective of the conference is to address the emerging gaps within the finance and banking scholarship. As an integral part of the Centre for Finance, Technology and Society in the Nottingham Business School, the annual conference seeks to highlight the latest developments which have the potential to change the finance and banking landscape.
Conference objectives:
- To provide a network platform to bring early career researchers together to form links with experienced academics.
- To establish supportive hubs to allow researchers to discuss the widespread effects of financial crises arising from Covid-19 and the role of sustainable sources of financing to confront current and future economic crises.
- To create a scholarly network to examine the challenges of dynamic decision making in a business environment fit for the future.
- To discuss the newer puzzles in finance and banking in a supportive and inclusive environment.
The scientific and organizing committee welcome submissions in all areas of banking and finance presentation at the conference. Early submission is highly encouraged, and the decision is made as soon as the review is completed. The main topics of the conference include, but are not limited to:
Financial resilience and Covid-19; Green and sustainable finance; Decentralised finance and disruptive financial technology; Empirical asset pricing, liquidity and behavioural finance; Financial risk management and inclusion; Alternative finance and investment; Financial and banking stability; Financial (dis)integration and Brexit; Artificial intelligence, machine and deep learning applications in finance; Corporate finance and sustainable energy financing; Crisis investment and portfolio management; Corporate governance and scandals; International financial management and investment; Market microstructures; Household finance; Real estate and property markets; Metaverse and Blockchain technologies in finance.
Journal collaboration:
The Conference Organising Committee will choose selected papers from those presented at the conference to be considered for publication in The Financial Review (FR). These papers will go through a blind review process. This is a “no-fault” submission option, which means that if the FR decides to review the paper and rejects it, the author(s) can submit the paper to the FR through the normal submission process.
Papers submitted must not be under review at any journals. The submission fee is USD150. Selected papers by the Conference Organising Committee could potentially receive financial support to defray the submission fee.
The submission could be a fully developed manuscript or an extended abstract. We do not impose any style requirements. You must create an account to submit your article to the system. You can find the link to create an account on the conference website.
For queries, please send an email to