5th UWA Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference

Scheduled ical Google outlook Open Call For Papers

CfP Deadline Date:
October 10, 2022

Conference Event:
November 21-22, 2022

Event Location:

Keynote speaker(s):
Antoinette Schoar (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT))

Business School University of Western Australia (UWA)

The Business School of the University of Western Australia is delighted to invite academics and practitioners to the 5th UWA Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference.

The two-day VIRTUAL event seeks to bring together academics conducting financial and economic research in blockchain and cryptocurrencies. We also encourage researchers on blockchain from other fields to submit their work.

The conference is intended to improve “in progress” research, generate new research and facilitate new collaborations. Participants are expected to discuss one research paper.

TOPICS: We invite researchers to submit their work on financial, economic, accounting, regulatory, monetary, societal, social and environmental aspects of blockchain and cryptocurrencies.

We are particularly interested in cross-disciplinary and innovative research.

  • Blockchain
  • Is blockchain technology disrupting finance?
  • The economics of blockchain
  • Value Creation via tokenisation
  • The nature of the firm in the age of blockchain and smart contracts
  • Will blockchain lead to a democratization of finance?
  • Will blockchain lead to a democratization of society?
  • Initial Coin Offerings (ICOs) versus IPOs
  • Blockchain and trust
  • NFTs
  • Cryptocurrencies
  • Fiat currencies versus cryptocurrencies and monetary policy implications
  • CBDC
  • Stablecoins
  • DeFi
  • Optimal strategies and policies to regulate cryptocurrencies
  • Money Laundering
  • Market microstructure
  • Crypto Scams

Further Information:

CONFERENCE PAPER SUBMISSION PROCEDURE: Papers should be submitted via email to dirk.baur@uwa.edu.au in PDF format before October 10, 2022. Acceptance emails will be sent out before October 24.

AWARDS: 2 Best Paper Awards and 2 Best Discussion Awards

Link CfP & Conference:
5th UWA Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Conference