May 2023: Trade fragmentation matters for bank credit supply: New evidence from the International Banking Research Network

By Claudia Buch, Linda S. Goldberg, Björn Imbierowicz Recent geopolitical events have raised concerns that markets for goods and services could become more fragmented. Clearly, trade uncertainty has increased. The consequences for financial intermediation of fragmentation and uncertainty are not well understood though. If banks affected by adverse trade events contract lending, the effects of[…]

May 2023: Big banks must become globally resolvable – or significantly ‘smaller’

By Aymo Brunetti The subsidised emergency takeover of Credit Suisse by UBS brings the current global ‘too big to fail’ regime into question. This column argues that an in-depth analysis of the global resolution framework by both regulators and academics is needed. The main question is whether a resolution of a global systemically important bank[…]

8th Zurich Conference on Public Finance in Developing Countries 2023

CfP Deadline: July 14, 2023 Conference Event: December 18-19, 2023 Event Location: Zurich, Switzerland Organizer(s): Nada Eissa (Georgetown University and NBER)Francois Gerard (Queen Mary University of London and CEPR)Joana Naritomi (London School of Economics and CEPR)Oyebola Okunogbe (World Bank)Dina Pomeranz (University of Zurich and CEPR) Keynote Speaker(s): Leonard Wantchekon (Princeton) Description: We are delighted to[…]

22nd Macro-Finance Society Workshop

CfP Deadline: August 31, 2023 Conference Event: October 27-28, 2023 Event Location: Chicago, United States Organizer(s): Macro Finance Research Program (MFR), University of ChicagoWenxin Du, Carolin Pflueger Description: The 22nd Macro Finance Society Workshop will be held on October 27-28, 2023, hosted and co-sponsored by the Macro Finance Research Program (MFR) led by Lars Peter Hansen at the University of Chicago. The workshop aims to bring together researchers whose interests span macroeconomics[…]

Third High-Level Conference on Global Risk, Uncertainty, and Volatility – Policy Making Under Uncertainty

CfP Deadline: May 31, 2023 Conference Event: November 14-15, 2023 Event Location: Zurich, Switzerland Organizer(s): Swiss National Bank (SNB)Bank for International Settlements (BIS)Division of International Finance of the Federal Reserve Board (FRB) Keynote Speaker(s): Darrell Duffie (Stanford University) Philip N. Jefferson (Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System) Description: Submission: The deadline for paper[…]

Workshop Empirical Monetary Economics

CfP Deadline: September 15, 2023 Conference Event: December 12-13, 2023 Event Location: Paris, France Organizer(s): Christophe Blot (Sciences Po – OFCE and Université Paris-Nanterre)Paul Hubert (Banque de France and Sciences Po – OFCE) Keynote Speaker(s): Anna Cieslak (Duke University)Giorgio Primiceri (Northwestern University) Description: Submission: Please submit a full paper in PDF format to The[…]

Warwick Business School Gillmore Centre Conference on DeFi & Digital Currencies 

CfP Deadline: June 30, 2023 Conference Event: October 27-28, 2023 Event Location: London, UK Organizer(s): Gillmore Centre for Financial Technology at Warwick Business School Keynote Speaker(s): Zhiguo He (University of Chicago, Booth School of Business ) Description: Submission: The deadline for submissions is 30 June. Papers for submission should be sent as a PDF with the[…]

Santiago Finance Workshop

CfP Deadline: June 30, 2023 Conference Event: December 4-5, 2023 Event Location: Santiago, Chile Organizer(s): School of Business and Economics of the University of Chile (with the support of the Central Bank ofChile) Keynote Speaker(s): Prof. Philipp Schnabl (New York University Stern School of Business) Description: The School of Business and Economics of the University[…]