from to
Arlington, Arlington County, Virginia, United States of America
CfP Deadline Date: June 14, 2018
Conference Event: September 6-7, 2018
Event Location: Arlington, Virginia
Keynote speaker: /
The FDIC’s Center for Financial Research and the JFSR invite submissions for the 18th Annual Fall Research Conference to be held in Arlington, Virginia on Thursday, September 6 and Friday, September 7, 2018.
The program committee invites theoretical and empirical papers on issues related to the performance and regulation of the financial sector including, but not limited to, the following:
- Deposit insurance
- Risk measurement
- Governance and compensation practices in the financial sector
- Regulatory capital and liquidity requirements
- Trends in financial products, services, and technology
- Trends in industry competition, market structure, and bank scope economies
- Systemic risk and financial system resilience
- Interaction between regulation and the cost and availability of credit
- Financial sector performance
- Fintech
Link CfP: 18th Annual Bank Research Conference