15th Swiss Winter Conference on Financial Intermediation 2022

Scheduled ical Google outlook Open Call For Papers
Lenzerheide, Switzerland Map

CfP Deadline Date:
October 29, 2021

Conference Event:
April 3-6, 2022

Event Location:
Lenzerheide, Switzerland

University of Zurich, Swiss Finance Institute, KU Leuven, Goethe University Frankfurt, Bank for International Settlements (BIS), Swiss Finance Institute @ EPFL


Authors who are CEPR affiliated or already have a CEPR profile can upload their submission by:
1) Log in on the CEPR portal online at https://portal.cepr.org/
2) Go to https://portal.cepr.org/meetings/1375/info
3) If you are a member of the FE program area click on “Change registration details”, complete the requested information and click “Submit information”
4)  If you are affiliated to another program area or have a CEPR profile, click on “Step 1: Apply” and complete the requested information and click “Register”

Authors who are not CEPR affiliated or do not have a CEPR profile can:
1) Create an online profile here
2) log in to the CEPR portal
3) Go to https://portal.cepr.org/meetings/1375/info
4) Click on “Step 1: Apply” and complete the requested information and click “Register”

The deadline for replies is 6 pm (GMT) Friday 29 October 2021. Authors will be notified about the acceptance of papers and the conference program by December 25, 2021. There is no conference fee and there are no accommodation costs for the invited presenters, discussants and chairs, but all participants must cover their own travel costs. We hope and are optimistic that sanitary conditions will allow the conference to be held in person, but will organise it in whichever format seems most appropriate.

If you have any difficulties registering for this meeting, please contact Lydia Williams, CEPR Events officer at lwilliams@cepr.org for assistance (with the subject header “Swiss Winter Conference 2022”).

Further Information:

The conference will be held at the Hotel Schweizerhof in the mountain resort of Lenzerheide, Switzerland (www.schweizerhof-lenzerheide.ch). The academic programme starts Monday morning (April 4) at 08:00 and ends Wednesday (April 6) before noon. Due to capacity constraints, preference will be given to participants who can stay for the whole duration of the conference. Participants should plan to arrive Sunday afternoon (April 3) and leave Wednesday afternoon (April 6). There will be eleven papers and discussions (including a BIS session on non-bank financial intermediation), twenty posters, and one session with five research idea “elevator pitches”. However, ample time for discussion, reflection and outdoor activities will be left for sure.

Accommodation costs and meals during the conference will be sponsored by the Bank for International Settlements, EPFL, the Swiss Finance Institute and Goethe University Frankfurt, KU Leuven and University of Zurich.

The conference is committed to promoting high-quality diversity in the covered topics (including e.g. green, shadow and/or behavioural banking), in the modelling techniques and data sets employed, and in the background of the participants (including institutional affiliation, gender, and nationality).

Link CfP & Conference:
15th Swiss Winter Conference on Financial Intermediation 2022