CfP Deadline:
September 30, 2025
Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions
Guest Editors:
Andries Natalia (Affiliated with ÉRUDITE)
Billon Steve (University of Strasbourg & LaRGE Research Center)
Chiaramonte Laura (University of Verona & Member of Editorial Board of the Journal of Financial Management, Markets and Institutions)
Giorgio Saverio (Università degli Studi di Roma “La Sapienza”)
Zhao Binru (Bangor Business School)
Following the crises that threatened financial stability in Europe and beyond, the Single Supervisory Mechanism (hereinafter also “SSM”) was introduced in 2013 in order to: (i) safeguard the safety and soundness of the European banking system; (ii) increase financial integration and stability; (iii) ensure consistent supervision.
This mechanism, which provides for collaboration between the European Central Bank (hereinafter referred to as “ECB”) and National Competent Authorities (hereinafter referred to as “NCAs”), such as the Bank of Italy in the Italian case, has reshaped the architecture of supervision in Europe, redesigning the distribution of tasks and responsibilities among the authorities.
Scope and Objectives
The JFMMI invites papers for consideration in a special issue focused on, but not limited to, the transposition of changes in the structure of new supervision and the evolution of the internal control processes and control governance for intermediaries, particularly as they relate to strategic planning.
We welcome submissions from a diverse array of topics, including but not limited to:
- Financial Regulation
- Single Supervisory Mechanism
- Corporate Governance
- Control Governance
- Internal Governance
- Audit
- Governance Risk and Compliance
- Capital Adequacy
- Compliance
- Regulatory Compliance
- Risk Management
- Operational Risk Management
- Anty-Money Laundering (“AML”)
- Information and Communications Technology (“ICT”)
- Strategy
- Stakeholder Engagement
- Ethical Governance
- Single Resolution Mechanism
- Crisis Management
- Deposit Guarantee Schemes (“DGS”)
- Institutional Protection Scheme (IPS)
- Crisis Prevention
- Financial Stability
- Macroprudential Policy
- Behavioral Finance
- Financial Inclusion
- Regulatory Technology (“RegTech”)
To submit a manuscript, please register and submit your paper online at When making your submission, please choose the Special Issue entitled “The SSM Turns Ten: Challenges and Opportunities for the Banking System”. A guide for authors and other relevant information for the submission of manuscripts is available on the Submission Guidelines page. Submitted manuscripts should not have been published previously nor be under consideration for publication elsewhere.
Papers submitted for this Special Issue will initially be reviewed by the Guest Editors, who will decide which papers will proceed to be reviewed by two anonymous referees. All submitted papers will be blind refereed. Submissions should adhere to the journal’s formatting and submission guidelines.
Submission Deadline: September 30, 2025
Expected Publication: Issue No. 01/2026